Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Story

He had a terrible headache, even a walk 5 minutes ago didn't alliviate his pain. His pain reached far beyond the limits of what the material world can inflict. But he had to carry on. His mind was surrounded by a very few eventualities which the realm of any mortal mind could foresee. His purpose was not to do what he was doing, but fate had its way this time.
After entering his room, his eyes fell on his table where his worst fears lay. He knew he had to face it. He sat heavily on his chair. Beads of perspiration were dripping down his forehead. It was 9'o clock and time was running out. He forced himself to turn his head and look at the book. As soon as he saw it, his mind began to reel. Hardly would there have existed a book in the history of human civilisation which would have caused so much mental torture and agony. He opened the book and started to suck on its contents.
After 4 hours, without his consent 'sleep' - the brother of death overtook him. At 01:30, his mother comes into his room and finds his son fast asleep with his head on the table. Out of curiosity she lifts the cover of the book to see the title. It was written 'Total Quality Managment'.
Can you guess who the 'HE' in this story was ??


Sangeeta said...

YOUUUUUU or some student...but my guess is its u

musafir said...

Life's about conquering fears isn't it?

Judging from your post, I guess you still haven't got over the exam hangover!! :-)

Anyway, keep the posts coming; will continue to drop by!

PS: couldn't help noticing you addressing me as "girish", who by the way is a good friend of mine!

armadillo said...

story of a guy (you) sick of the present day educashun system (indian in particular), pell-mell hectic schedules of lectures and assignments yet you know you cannot survive as a dogdger - as complicate as that - better luck next birth... ! Cool urself, make urself feel better, we can make a change!

Srikar said...

well sangeetha you kinda messed up the comments, but no problem...

Srikar said...

thanx musafir for that philosophical advise.
sorry for the name mistake...

Srikar said...

well armadillo you said it!!
all rise for armadillo...

Anonymous said...

Guessed!!! is its YOU

DreamClicks said...

LOL. TQM is a total crappy paper though...!!

vishnoi said...

hey... i am still waiting to read the answers!

Anonymous said...

i guessed it YOU and no other but YOU my dear!

Anonymous said...

Hey there, thanks for leaving a comment at my space..
And nice pics :)


Anonymous said...

Forgot to leave my URL..

vikraman said...

Ofcourse, if the book is TQM it could be anyone. No marks for guessing who it is :)

Anonymous said...

You! you are great at story telling. i remember these days. don't miss them at all!!

(thanks for visiting my blog)

Pecos Blue said...

You are not alone it is everyone--I am amazed you were able to read 4 hours worth.

Srikar said...

Thanx lorena for the generous comment.

Srikar said...

thanx pecos blue! I had to or else re-exam!!!

That's even worse. Just imagine reexam in TQM?@#$@$

-Poison- said...

guess u r a mech... :)

Srikar said...

No poison, I'm Computer Science Engineer.

Srikar said...

thanx 'emotionally challenged' for dropping by.

Sindhuja Parthasarathy said...

How let down in the end.Shud i say it was gud or?!

Srikar said...

that's how TQM was samudraa. couldn't help it!!