Monday, October 04, 2004

" You Look Thin"

there is this general opinion among the upper echelons of the creatures on Earth that I’m thin and all that they spot of me is a fully formed human skeleton and that too without an X-ray machine. other souls might be taken for a toss, but me being among the only few who could get a check-up without an X-ray machine, take it in an optimistic tone. I mean there might be a case where the other person has an ocular defect and I get the comment in turn. Vasuda, a friend of mine who greets me in a manner known to none. here’s a little example –

vasuda : “ Hi , Srikar you are thin “

This has happened so many times that, it sort of became my second name. in fact, if someone calls me just ‘srikar’ ,I sort of start wondering as to what happened to my other part of the name. I mean talk about give and take respect!! This is grossly against Gandhian principles. I would retaliate (just like Albert Einstein did when bitten by an ant)
by saying that maybe they should consult a ‘good ophthalmologist ‘. What Say??

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